Education and research


Where do asset owners, individually or institutionally such as foundation staff, donors, angel investors, and family office staff obtain impact investing education? Where do startups, nonprofits, corporations, students, and professional service providers obtain impact investing education? 


Impact Finance Center provides education to raise awareness about impact investing and to create a larger set of impact-investment-savvy investors and social ventures ready to pursue deals.

I’ve been in the field of aligning money with values and business, since the early 80’s. I wrote a book about it, and do many interviews and talks on the topic. Watching Stephanie map an overview of the diverse strategies and creative possibilities for moving money towards positive impact, was by far the best, most action packed, cogent, eye opening presentation and overview of the field that I have ever experienced. Talk to Stephanie. Book her to speak to your group. Encourage her to write a book, do video training, or clone herself. You will be doing a great service for the world. Her presentation of the comprehensive strategies available to influence and leverage capital for the betterment of communities and issues, will give rich dividends. Put on your seatbelt!
— Joel Solomon Chair-Renewal Funds Author-“The Clean Money Revolution”

IFC is creating the Impact Investing Education Institute (IIEI) to offer online, in person, livestreaming, courses and certificates. IIEI will be available to be purchased and white labeled for community foundations, philanthropic supporting organizations, corporate strategics, young professional organization, angel groups, accelerators, and giving circles.

Courses, Workshops, and certificates

IFC offers in person courses through Impact Investing Education Institute. Please send us an email or call us if you want to hire us to teach a course for your group or community members, add yourself to a waiting list for a course, test out a beta version of the online course.

Our current and planned offerings include the following:

  • Community Foundations and Impact Investing Course

  • Nonprofits, Social Enterprise, & Impact Investing Course

  • Startups & Impact Investing Course

  • Impact Investor Readiness Course

  • Corporate Strategics & Impact Investing Workshop

  • Impact Investing Giving Circle Course

  • Manager Diversity & Impact Investing Course

  • Due Diligence Course

  • Legal & Impact Investing Course

  • Accounting & Impact Investing Course

  • Custom IFC Impact Fellowships are available upon request for as little $2,500 that include a combination of 1:1 training, in person, and online course work

Additional Opportunities

  • Quarterly Breakfasts at the Denver Chamber of Commerce

  • Monthly Impact Breakfasts

  • Rocky Mountain Who’s Who in Impact Investing by Denver Business Journal and Impact Finance Center

  • Deal Doctor Workshops

  • Impact Investing Toastmasters

  • Podcast Interviews: Everyday Heroes: Impact Investing Stories from the Field


Impact Finance Center develops and conducts rigorous and relevant research, employing a blend of traditional and innovative methods to address the impact investment community’s most pressing issues. One of our key goals is to produce research that adds to and improves upon current knowledge on impact investing to provide the critical market awareness and educational opportunities needed to catalyze transformation in this important field.

It’s super rare to get world class portfolio advice from someone who doesn’t have their hand in your pocket. It’s rarer to get a whole new framework for thinking about donations and philanthropic work. Rarest is all is a combination of clear next steps and challenge to take action. Stephanie Gripne and John O’Halloran of the Impact Finance Center deliver a trifecta.
— Jon Kauffman – Seattle Impact Investor

Contact Us

[email protected]


Impact Finance Center & CO Impact Days and Initiative
C/O Rose Community Foundation
600 South Cherry Street #1200
Denver, CO 80246

I have attended a lot of academic talks and yours has, in a sense, been one of the most transformative for me. I never envisioned looking at investments in the way that you explained so clearly, and I am looking at my future proposals in a different light.
— Maria A. Nagel, MD Associate Professor in Neurology, University of Colorado School of Medicine